Need a boost? Read Hebrews 11! Even when Abraham had received his promised heir He had faith in who God was and offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He was not living for this world or our earthly understanding. He had his eyes set on God, who He was and what He could do. Despite God saying that it was through Isaac that the promise would be fulfilled Abraham was willing to lay even that down and to trust God. Why? Why would a father who has spent a lifetime longing for a son, an heir be so willing to let go of that when he has finally been given it? Because Abraham’s eyes were not on this world but rather on the One who made all things!
Over and over in this chapter we see examples of faith. We see how God is faithful! How He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Over the years retold in this single chapter of the Bible we see that God always does what He says He is going to do. We also see that the key is not looking and locking onto the answer we want, or expect but on God’s nature. Even when we don’t understand the steps in our journey. When we see circumstances that don’t seem to reflect our breakthrough. We are called to look at the One who is over all things not the breakthrough outcome. Our breakthrough is not the victory it is when we live in such a way that we cling to the Victor and let Him have His way. Consider this, when you are given a gift is it the actual item that makes you feel happy or the love in which the gift was given? The actual gift will rot and turn to dust eventually but the love that drove the gift is forever. If you are struggling I encourage you to read through Hebrews 11 and then remember that
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8