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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made


There is such a crisis of identity in our world today! People choosing their pronouns, genders, and even choosing to be known as a furry and attempting to communicate by embracing animal noises and actions. It is heartbreaking to see so many people with no sense of self or so much self hatred that they feel they have to choose something else. God is the creator and He does not make mistakes. He loves you and made you unique from anyone else because He delights in you.

In Genesis during the days of creation God looks at His creation and says it is good. He does the same with each of us.

“He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me” Psalm 18:19

“The Lord your God .. will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

Of course satan would launch an attack at our identity because he knows that God delights in it. Of course he would want to rob innocence from our children because he knows God cherishes their innocence. Of course he would want to introduce confusion about sexual identity and gender because he knows that God designed you and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Think on this why would someone embrace all the ambiguity and irrational thought that is happening in our world today? Is it because they think it makes them happy or is it because they feel it will make them acceptable? I talk with people everyday that struggle because they believe lies that have been placed in their lives about their worth, their acceptance by others, their desire to feel happy. It’s no different than the lie the serpent told Eve in the garden. The serpent made her doubt that she was acceptable just as God made her. She thought she was lacking something that would make her “more like God”. She was already made in His image, He created a special place of blessing where they could spend time together because He so delighted in them. How much better does life get than being truly seen, being fully accepted, loved and delighted over? Yet we dismiss what God says about who we are and then fill our lives up with lies and condemnation in an attempt to obtain that which we already have… a greater love than we could ever imagine.

You might ask me how I know that God delights in you. First of all the Scriptures say it over and over. Secondly God took measures to ensure that you could find His delight on you! Did you know that every person on earth has a unique fingerprint, voiceprint and even your eyes are unique in their design. Regardless of what you lay ahold of on the outside (alternative genders etc) your DNA will still carry the markers you were born with, your blood will still carry the markers of your identity. Nothing can change what God began regardless of our choices. He loves you so much that He gave you a firm anchor in who He made you to be. Regardless of the choices we make we can’t remove the evidence of His delight in us. His fingerprints are firmly placed in our spirit and His voice sings over us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

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