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Heartbeat of Heaven


Today I am caught up with thinking about all that Jesus went through as He journeyed to Jerusalem knowing what lay ahead of Him. Not only did He face the most gruesome horrific manner of death but He was also abandoned by everyone He loved. Yet He kept His face toward Jerusalem. He knew that people He had broken bread with, those he had healed, and delivered would be crying out for His death. It can become desensitized to what Easter is really all about. There is certainly a push to focus on other meanings for Easter but no matter what happens it’s not about the bunny it’s about the Lamb of God. It’s about the heartbeat of Heaven.

When He began to journey toward Jerusalem He was thinking of you, of me of each one that He loved. He was so moved by love that He was willing to suffer for us just so we could have the chance to come back into relationship with Him. How amazing is such a love that someone would willing suffer physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in a way unlike anyone else just to leave a chance that we might pick up the gift He so willingly purchased.

On this Resurrection day I pray that beyond all the other noise that you hear His heartbeat for you. There is never a greater love that will be extended than His.

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