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In The Waiting


I don’t know a single person who hasn’t found themselves waiting. Waiting for a breakthrough, a word to be fulfilled or a dream to come true. We all have seasons of waiting in our lives. I have been in such a season on several fronts for a long time and recently I have found myself looking back at how I have handled them. The answer is simple, not well. So as I am beginning to see forward momentum on one of these areas I have also found myself asking the Lord to speak to me about the waiting as well.

I have to admit what He showed me,

in retrospect, is pretty humbling. I thought by waiting I was exercising my faith but what I was really doing was more like holding my breath. If I had been exercising my faith I would have used the waiting time to breath deeply of who He is and I would have trusted His timing. I would have realized He wanted to use that time to prepare me to receive something that I couldn’t even hope for because I was so busy trying to hold my breath. You see what He showed me was that by my response I was closed off to the subtle

moves He wanted to do to prepare me. Instead like a child I closed my eyes and held my breath for dear life.

Why do we assume that in the waiting nothing happens? We treat it as a dry dusty desert experience and that we are stuck there. The truth is that in the waiting, if we allow Him too, He will reveal the depth of His love for us. He is not dangling an answer or breakthrough before us as if we need to earn it. He is asking us to get to know the depths of His love for us and to trust that the gift He has for us is born out of great love. What will you do? How will you respond in the waiting?

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