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Speak Life

Recently , I felt the Lord saying this to the Church, "There are people who’ve we given up on; dreams, visions...that people have settled them somewhere and now only remember them as something they buried; disappointments that they have made into monuments of My seeming unfaithfulness. A place where they hide from hoping and thinking about what they once believed for. They have covered their "Lazarus" with a stumbling stone of unbelief and doubt of My goodness and greatness. I AM the Resurrection and the Life!

I have been witnessing God resurrecting dead or dying hopes, dreams and faith in my own life and in others. When Jesus said, " I AM the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25) it was before He died and rose from the dead. He was saying, "This is Who I am NOW, in this second - in every moment, in every situation!" He IS the One who stands our dying or dead hopes, dreams, and visions for ourselves and others back up, reviving and bringing new life to them!

It was faith in a God who could bring the dead back to life that gave Ezekiel enough courage to speak to a valley of dried-up, broken and brittle bones. Who in his right mind would look at that mess and say, "Live!"??? Yet, Ezekiel did! He spoke the Word of the Lord to those "too-late-it's-over" bones and they began to rattle - like Lazarus in the tomb! They came together, rose up and became mighty! (Ezekiel 37) Oh for a people who will speak the Word of the Lord to "too-late-it's-over" dreams and hopes and lives!!! What might God do??? Not just for us but for those who cannot speak His authority.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;

ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice." (Prov. 31:8,9)

We see the power of speech when Saul is told to go to the hill of God in 1 Samuel 10 where he would meet a group of prophets.

"At that time the Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person." (I Samuel 10:6)

Young King Saul was transformed into a different, faith-filled person when he cooperated with the Holy Spirit and spoke God's Word! I wonder what would have happened if he had continued speaking the words the Lord put in his mouth that day, even after he stood up and went on his way? There is so much power in your mouth, my friend! Have your dreams, visions, hopes that you will overcome something, find freedom or be a man or woman of God faded? Has your faith for changes in your own life died? SPEAK! Ask God to show you His Word and will. Speak what He says and watch what will happen in you! Speak over others and see what He will do in response. Like Elijah we are called to speak over dry bones in our own lives and in the world.

There IS resurrection life in and through you for today!

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