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The Cornerstone

The other day I was picking up a friend andI arrived a bit early so I sat with my windows down enjoying the summer weather. It was very still and peaceful as I waited. I felt the Lord draw my gaze to the side of the building where I saw the inscription shown in the photo above. I felt that He wanted to say something significant about it so I snapped the photo just as my friend came out of the building. I have been pondering it in my heart since.

In relation to architecture, a cornerstone is traditionally the first stone laid for a structure, with all other stones laid in reference to it. A cornerstone marks the geographical location by orienting a building in a specific direction. Often it is marked with a date or other information that marks the building in a unique way.

As Christians we are supposed to rely on Jesus as our chief cornerstone. So it made me ponder how do I allow Jesus to be the thing I use as a reference for all other things on my life? Am I so comfortable that church has become routine, or a good thing instead of being a passion? Are there areas where I react to circumstances without first referencing Jesus.

How do I allow Him to orient my life? Do I take big and small things before Him in prayer and surrender to His plan and purpose? How is my life marked by Him? Are there areas where I need to re-examine who controls them? Let’s be real it becomes very easy to move along with life’s rhythm and needs.

One thing this pandemic has shown me is how easy it is to make a decision and act without stopping to inquire of the Lord. Life’s pace is a weapon the enemy uses to keep us off balance and reacting instead of first seeking Him and then acting. I feel it goes way beyond “What Would Jesus Do” surely we should be saying “Jesus what would you have me do?”

So often we focus on the free nature of salvation without realizing it’s only free because Jesus paid the price not because there was no cost. But He didn’t just do it so we could live free and clear without giving anything back. He did it so that we would be so moved by His love for us that we would willingly lay down our life so that others could join His family. If we are to truly live out our faith it will cost us everything and it will all depend on our cornerstone, Jesus.

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