So lately I have been in this process of waiting. Waiting for the next treatment, waiting for the next lab work, the next scan, the test results, forward progress, waiting for God’s promise and the strength to press on.. a lot of waiting.
Have you ever found yourself in a similar waiting season? Perhaps yours was not a physical battle as mine is but the dynamics can still feel the same. The longer we wait the more we can question and the more we battle with doubt. For me in particular the two weeks leading up to a new scan to evaluate the cancer my body is fighting can be a real battle mentally. Then there is even more waiting after the scan. All the while the enemy fires arrows trying to bring despair, discouragement and dismay. He is who he is, the enemy will never stop trying to mess with God’s children. He roams around like a lion seeking to steal, kill and destroy. However, my Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and He is above all things. So in this time of waiting I turn my thoughts to Him.
Every time the enemy launches another arrow I turn to look at Jesus and the arrow is destroyed. You see an arrow can only hurt us if it strikes its mark. The enemy may try to attack my emotions but Jesus paid the price so I can put those under His reign. The enemy may try to make me fear death but I am safe with Jesus here and in heaven. He paid the price so that I will never be away from His presence. The enemy may try to make me believe I am isolated and alone but God says He will never leave me nor forsake me and that He is with me even until the end of the age. The enemy may try to make the waiting seem long and drawn out but God’s mercies are new every morning. So even in a waiting season I will fix my eyes on the here and now because that is where Jesus is and He is right with me.