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The Message In Every Brushstroke

Ever since I took up painting as a way to occupy my time during this cancer battle I have been amazed. It’s not just that I can paint for truly that is God’s handiwork for sure but it’s the whole painting process.

Last night as I set up a new canvas and began painting the small details already marked out for me on the canvas I felt myself drawn to the process. As I have reflected on it today I began asking why I feel this engagement and what I realized shocked me. I realized that a new canvas is a blank slate, even doing paint by numbers has a level of foundation building to it. It’s as if all the parts of the canvas image lay before me and I feel drawn to pull out each detail of the image. It’s as if I sense the amazing nature of the finished product and there is an excitement in my spirit to see everything pull together in the end result.

Like many things in life it is a slow process and there are many times when I don’t feel I am doing a good job. In fact it is safe to say that there hasn’t been one painting yet that I haven’t been discouraged by my efforts. In fact at some point in the process I find myself thinking “this isn’t turning out well”. It would be easy to quit and try and restart something else, perhaps something easier. However, I am realizing that there is nothing easier, each canvas has challenges of its own and each one stretches me as an artist.

Also as I sat last night looking over my current project and realized that each stroke of paint is just a small piece of the larger image but it is those small pieces that in the end make the image jump off the canvas. It is those very small strokes that bring out the best in the image. Life is like this sometimes and we can all too easily miss it. It’s the small moments that make up our treasure in life. It’s easy to look at a canvas and see all the details that need to be done yet and to dismiss the few strokes of paint. We can lose site of the potential of the image by focusing on what isn’t there and not seeing the beauty of what is there. Lately I have been struggling with this focusing on what isn’t a part of my life instead of the fact that God has blessed me with life! Two years ago it wasn’t certain I would have much life. Thankfully God sees the fullness of the image of my life and only He is in charge of it.

Lastly, it occurred to me that how I feel when I am drawn to the canvas and how it moves my heart to apply each stroke is how God must feel when He watches us grow. He sees and knows our potential and it delights His heart to share the process with us, adding seemingly small details to bring out our best. Each time I add a piece to a painting my heart skips a beat to see it coming to life, to become what it was meant to be. In fact, when I pass by my art studio I can’t help but glance in at the painting on my easel. I always feel that quickening of my heart to see it emerging. How much more must it mean to our loving Heavenly Father when He looks at us and delights in His child emerging into all that He designed us to be.

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