As a believer we should ever be aware of the divine tension that surrounds us. We are called to be help to a hurting world, freedom to the captive and light in the darkness. We have what the world so sorely needs, an answer. This week I was talking to a friend and we were discussing all the things happening in the world and how fearful that can be, however my point to them is that we should see these things as an opportunity for God to move in unprecedented ways. The Bible says that we are to live in the world but not of it. When we see these wars and rumors of wars we shouldn't cower in fear, nor should we dismiss them in apathy. 2 Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness but is longsuffering toward us, no willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." I have always read this that the Lord was patient with unbelievers but recently my Pastor pointed out something that totally changed this. The verse doesn't say that the Lord is longsuffering to the world, or unbeliever's or even 'them'. It says He is longsuffering toward us. He is patient with us eagerly awaiting for us to take our place in Him, to walk in authority, to embrace the divine tension between the world and the Kingdom of Heaven. We are His ambassadors, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, set up for such a time as this.
How do we embrace the divine tension? We all feel it, this knowing that there is something more. The Bible says that God has set eternity into the hearts of man. We need to rise up into our place as children of God and decree His kingdom into the earth, turning back the darkness and bringing forth His marvelous light. As believer's we have all we need to see a change in the lives of those around us, in our cities, our state and our nations. We need to pray expecting our longsuffering, loving Father to hear and to effect change by establishing His kingdom.
We serve a Great God! Nothing is too difficult for Him so let's embrace our role in the divine tension between the events of the earth and the purposes of Heaven! Let's pray expecting big, earth shattering things. We do not serve a small God.. He wants us to go big before we go home!