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The Dancing Trees


There are few things more peaceful to me than watching the wind cause the trees to dance gently in the breeze. It reminds of the Holy Spirit and how He moves in and through us, if we let Him. My backyard is lined by massive trees that reach far into the sky. It is a place of peace and rest on days like today when I am feeling a little rough. I sit under my gazebo (or my fig tree as I like to call it) and watch as the trees bend and sway. It reminds my heart to reach out for God and to allow Him to have His way in my life. I don’t have to plan, strive or achieve anything I just need to reach for Him and respond to His hand. It also reminds me to be rooted in Him so that I might grow strong, anchored in His word. As I watch the birds landing on the swaying branches I am also reminded to be a place of love and a safe haven for others.

It’s amazing how such a simple sight can reflect so much of God in our midst and how, sadly, we very often don’t take the time to notice the dancing trees.

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Oct 16, 2023

I also love trees. Later this week I will be visiting the Morton Arboretum in Lile, Illinois with my family. I am looking forward to being surrounded by trees, and enjoying the fall color. This post reminds me of Psalm 52:8 "I am like an olive tree, flourishing in the house of God, I trust in your unfailing love."

Oct 16, 2023
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Thank you for sharing this verse and I hope you have a blessed trip!

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