So often when we face challenges we struggle because our heart is divided. We hope for the best outcome but we fear our expected outcome. Both of these responses center around us rather than God. We need to have a fully persuaded heart in order to see correctly in challenging times. What do I mean by this? When we are fully persuaded of who God is, we function from a place of knowing that He is always for us. His desire is always to bring blessing, even out of the darkest circumstances. He moves not to shame us, belittle or harm us but to restore us to His love and to bring blessing into our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 is on of my favorite verses "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." I particularly like how the New King James Version words it because it shows us that His thoughts are of us and for our good. He is not looking for a way to trip us up, or harm us. How amazing is that? You are always on His mind. Luke 12:32 tells us not to fear for it is our Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. God does not want to withhold any good thing from us. There are so many passages that convey this amazing love for us so why do we struggle?
The simple reason we struggle is because we are looking at some measure of our own self worth instead of looking at what He says we are. We rely on our feelings, which tell us that we are not worthy, that we mess up, that we are unacceptable etc. rather than rely on the Word of God and the love He extends to us. We can not walk through life with one foot in the truth and one foot stuck in our own perceptions. We must choose to set aside the emotions which so easily entangle us and to cling to the truth of the Word of God. We must anchor both feet firmly in His truth and we must fully persuade our hearts that in all things God is for us!